At Pink Penguin Poppets, we take your personal and privacy data very seriously. We know how important it is to treat any personal data provided by you with utmost care. The law is very clear about what we need to do in this regard, and we are fully committed to complying with our legal obligations.

In relation to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we use your consent as the lawful basis for processing your data. 

What is personal data?

This is any information that can be used to identify you. At its simplest it could be your name, address, email, telephone number or picture.

Where do we obtain you personal data?

 We obtain your personal information from you which is supplied when you register or book for a class. We do not take data from third parties unless we have your consent to accept that information.


What we do with your personal data? 

We use it as a point of reference to be able to contact you.


How long do we keep your data for?  

We keep your data for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is collected.


Who can see your information? 

All personal data is only accessed and processed by Pink Penguin Poppets


Photography/Video Consent 

Pink Penguin Poppets recognises the need to ensure the safety and welfare of its members. We will not permit any photographs, videos or other images of children to be taken without the consent of parent/carers. We will ensure any pictures taken are used solely for the purposes they are intended for. If you are aware of any images being used inappropriately then please inform Pink Penguin Poppets immediately.

 Some images may be used on our social medial channels but again only with prior consent and a name will never be used with an image.

 To comply with GDPR we need your permission before we can photograph or take any recordings of your child.


The list below explains how we use the data

 1.  May we use your child’s photograph for printed publications that we produce for promotional and marketing purposes

 2.  May we use your child’s image on our website?

 3.  May we use your child’s image on our social media platforms both closed and public?

4.  May we record your child’s image on video?

 5.  Do you consent to your child’s image being used for display purposes?


Should you wish to contact us with regards to how we use your data then please fell free to do so.