What to expect

Pink Penguin Poppets is an exciting new class that will incorporate singing, dancing and story time! For more information read below. 

Each class is 45 minutes long and there will be three 15 minute sections that involve singing, dancing and story time.

Class ages:

  • 2-3 years

  • 3-5 years

Each week will be themed according to the story that is read at the end of the session. Each section will include elements taken from the story. The children (and grown ups) can almost feel as if they are taking part in the adventure themselves. 

There will be many sensory items used throughout the classes to stimulate creativity. There will be a variety of musical instruments used in the singing section, the dance section will incorporate ribbons and scarves and there will be various other props used in the final story telling section. 

45 minutes of fairytale fabulousness!!